Old Daedalus was a genius inventor. In the Greek myths, he created the minotaur’s maze and wax wings for flying. So, it makes sense that Portkey Games would honour Old Daedalus by making the Daedalian Keys in Hogwarts Legacy similarly strange.
If you’re on the hunt for your very first Daedalian Key or itching to find the last few, we’ve listed all Daedalian Key Locations in Hogwarts Legacy for your right here. Scroll down to find out where each Daedalian Key is located in Hogwarts Legacy and how to catch them.
Daedalian Key Locations Hogwarts Legacy
In Hogwarts Legacy, Daedalian Keys are one of the many collectables to keep your whizzy busy. There are sixteen Daedalian Keys in total and all but one of the keys can be collected the second you start the quest.
The first Daedalian key is found during the tutorial for the quest and the final three keys are behind a locked door, for which you will need to cast the Alohomora spell. Click the links below to see a detailed guide on where to find the remaining 15 keys (after the tutorial key).
The Daedalian keys can be found at these locations:
- Defence Against the Dark Arts Daedalian Key
- Great Hall Daedalian Key
- Entrance Hall Daedalian Key
- Bell Tower Daedalian Key
- Dungeons Daedalian Key 1
- Dungeons Daedalian Key 2
- Potions Class Daedalian Key
- Central Hall Daedalian Key
- Library Daedalian Key
- Grand Staircase Daedalian Key
- Quad Courtyard Daedalian Key
- Viaduct Entrance Daedalian Key
- Faculty Tower Daedalian Key 1
- Faculty Tower Daedalian Key 2
- Clock Tower Daedalian Key
Defence Against the Dark Arts Daedalian Key Location
One of the first and easiest Daedalian Keys you should collect in Hogwarts Legacy is the key that’s close to the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom. To find this key, follow the steps below:
- Step 1: First, head on over to the Defence Against the Dark Arts Classroom.
- Step 2: Look for the intriguing skeleton in the lobby below the classroom.
- Step 3: The Daedalian key will be circling this skeleton.
Once activated, the Daedalian key will fly up the stairs, take a left at the Floo Flames and will carry on until it reaches the cabinet. Here, you can catch it.
Great Hall Daedalian Key Location
The second Daedalian key can be found in the Great Hall of Hogwarts. To locate this key, follow the steps below:
- Step 1: First, travel by Floo Flame to the Great Hall.
- Step 2: Once there, find the fireplace on the left side of the Great Hall.
- Step 3: Activate the Daedalian key that is located by the fireplace.
When you spook it, it will climb a short set of stairs and straight to its cabinet. Follow the key until you reach the cabinet and then you can start the mini-game.
Entrance Hall Daedalian Key Location
Once you have captured the Daedalian Key in the Great Hall, it’s time to find the Daedalian Key in the Entrance Hallway of Hogwarts. To find this key, follow these 3 easy steps below:
- Step 1: Walk out the doors of the Great Hall
- Step 2: Then, continue into the first part of the entrance hall
- Step 3: The key will be above you on the bannisters at the top of the stairs.
When it flies off, it’ll descend the stairs, take a right, and find the cabinet by a wall of paintings and a boar statue.
Bell Tower Daedalian Key Location
To find the Daedalian Key in the Bell Tower, follow these 4 easy steps:
- Step 1: First, use a Floo Flame over to the Bell Tower Courtyard
- Step 2: Then, turn immediately left and climb down the first set of stairs.
- Step 3: Go through the door and then climb another set of stairs.
- Step 4: The key will be waiting for you at the top of this staircase.
Once the key is activated, it will fly up another set of stairs and continue rising until you finally reach the cabinet in the corner. Trust me, your quads and calves are going to love this one.
Dungeons Daedalian Key 1 Location
The fifth Daedalian Key is found in the Dungeons of Hogwarts. To reach the dungeons and find this key, follow the steps below:
- Step 1: Climb straight down the stairs in the Bell Tower courtyard.
- Step 2: Along the way, take note of the Daedalian cabinet.
- Step 3: Look for the dragon statue and the key will be waiting in front of this.
Dungeons Daedalian Key 2 Location
To find the sixth Daedalian Key, you will want to stay within the dungeons. Once at the entrance, follow the steps below to find the key:
- Step 1: Walk along the hall until you reach the end.
- Step 2: The Daedalian Key will be waiting for you along the way.
The key will flit off around the corner to a room with barrels along the wall and this is where you will also find the cabinet to send that key home.
Potions Class Daedalian Key Location
The potions class Daedalian Key can be found by following these simple steps:
- Step 1: Travel to the Floo Flame closest to the potions classroom.
- Step 2: Head directly towards the classroom.
- Step 3: The Daedalian Key will be floating outside the room.
Once activated, follow the Daedalian key down the stairs and at the end of the hall will be the cabinet.
Central Hall Daedalian Key Location
To find the Daedalian Key in the Central Hall, follow these steps:
- Step 1: Go to Central Hall
- Step 2: Walk down the stairs towards the large green door.
- Step 3: Look for the key in the left corner near the paintings.
Library Daedalian Key Location
The ninth Daedalian Key can be found in the Library following these 3 steps:
- Step 1: Walk into the library and head to the left side of the room.
- Step 2: Look for the fireplace against the left wall.
- Step 3: Situated next to the fireplace, the Daedalian Key will be floating around.
Once activated, follow the key to the other side of the library which is where you will find the cabinet. The cabinet is situated by the stairs and some bookshelves.
Grand Staircase Daedalian Key Location
The Daedalian Key by the Grand Staircase is the tenth Daedalian Key that you will want to collect. To find the Grand Staircase Daedalian Key, follow these simple steps:
- Step 1: Fast travel by Floo Flame to the Grand Staircase
- Step 2: Climb down three sets of stairs.
- Step 3: At the bottom of the third set, you will find the Daedalian Key.
Quad Courtyard Daedalian Key Location
To find the Daedalian Key in the Quad Courtyard, follow these steps:
- Step 1: Head on over to the Quad Courtyard.
- Step 2: Look for the large stone archway which looks out onto more gardens.
- Step 3: Under the archway, you will find the Daedalian Key.
When the key flies off, walk back to the courtyard’s centre. Then, with your back to the Floo Flames walk to the back of the courtyard, turn right and the cabinet will be sitting beside a door.
Viaduct Entrance Daedalian Key Location
To locate the final Daedalian Key that is not locked behind a door or within a secret room, you will need to head over to the Viaduct Courtyard. Once here, follow these 4 simple steps:
- Step 1: Stand outside the Viaduct Courtyard
- Step 2: Walk up the stairs
- Step 3: To the right will be the cabinet and a portrait of a bearded man in a cap.
- Step 4: Locate the key that is flying close to this portrait.
The Locked Daedalian Keys
The last three Daedalian keys require Alohomora to access.
Two of these keys are locked in the Hospital Wing, and the final key is in the Secret Rooms. Here’s a short guide on how to find each of them.
Faculty Tower Daedalian Key 1 Location
Within the Faculty Tower, there are two Daedalian Keys. To find the first Daedalian Key inside the Faculty Tower, follow these 3 easy steps:
- Step 1: Enter the Faculty Tower.
- Step 2: Begin ascending the stairs inside the tower.
- Step 3: Once you reach the top, locate the key in the centre of the room, which is flying around a prefect.
walk into the Faculty Tower and climb the stairs. The key will be in the centre of the room, flying around a prefect. Its cabinet is at the bottom of the stairs and under the staircase.
Faculty Tower Daedalian Key 2 Location
To find the second Daedalian Key in the Faculty Tower follow these 4 easy steps:
- Step 1: Head to the Faculty Tower.
- Step 2: Ascend the Faculty Tower stairs.
- Step 3: Continue upwards until you reach an empty room with cogs and gears.
- Step 4: Follow the adjacent corridor to find the key.
Once you have activated the key, return to the atrium where you’ll find the cabinet for the key, positioned near a statue of a witch.
Clock Tower Daedalian Key Location
To find the Daedalian Key in the Clock Tower, follow these 3 easy steps:
- Step 1: Go to the courtyard near the Clock Tower.
- Step 2: Unlock the Clock Tower door.
- Step 3: Head up the stairs on the other side of the room to find the key.
Then, once you have activated the key and it starts flying away, climb more stairs until you come to another floor. The Daedalian and key will be to your left.
How To Start The Daedalian Key Quest
The Daedalian Keys side quest can be started as soon as you’re in Hogwarts. You will want to speak to Nellie Oggspire in the Transfiguration Courtyard. Nellie is hard to miss as she will be ranting and raving about the keys rather loudly.
To start the Daedalian Key Quest follow the 7 simple steps below:
- Step 1: Walk out into the Transfiguration Courtyard
- Step 2: Find Nellie Oggspire standing by the tree.
- Step 3: Complete the dialogue with Nellie Oggspire and accept the quest.
- Step 4: Follow the guide above to find each Daedalian Key.
As a pro tip, it’s a good idea to start the quest as soon as you can, as you can’t open the cabinets without it. Plus, if you’re exploring without our step-by-step guide, listen for the fluttering of the Daedalian Key wings, and a light tinkling sound. When you hear this sound, a Daedalian Key will be close.
How To Open Daedalian Cabinets
When you find a Daedalian key, it will quickly flit off to a nearby cabinet. You must chase each Daedalian Key to the cabinet and then complete a little minigame to unlock the house token inside. The minigame is slightly difficult at first, however, with a bit of practice, your reaction time will improve and the game will become second nature.
To open the Daedalian Cabinets, follow these 3 simple steps:
- Step 1: Watch for when the Daedalien key flies over the keyhole.
- Step 2: Press ‘X’ when the key is in the centre of the hole.
- Step 3: If you miss the timing, repeat the process until you get it right.
Once you have successfully pressed ‘X’ when the key is directly over the keyhole, the cabinet will open and you will be rewarded with a House Token. Take this house token back to your common room and place it into the house token chest to build your collection.
Daedalian Keys Hogwarts Legacy Rewards
Each Daedalian Key that you collect in Hogwarts Legacy will reward you with a House Token. However, if you collect all sixteen, Nellie will commend you and bestow you with the illustrious robes of your Hogwarts house. Now, whilst that might sound a little lacklustre for all that key hunting, you’ll be charmed to find that your robe will react with colours and lights each time you cast a spell.
The Daedalian Keys are well worth spending time to collect immediately after you complete the quest. By following this guide, you will unlock plenty of Floo Flames along the way as well as hidden passageways that may not have been spotted before.
Know of any other tricks to unlock all Daedalian Keys in Hogwarts Legacy? Drop a comment in the comments section to help our community of completionists.
Daedalian Keys FAQs
Questions about Daedalian keys in Hogwarts Legacy? No problem! Here are the most commonly asked questions our editors receive.
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