Zonaite Armor TotK

How To Get The Zonaite Armor Set in Tears of the Kingdom

The awesome, ancient armor of the skies. Here's everything you need to know about the Zonaite Armor set in Tears of the Kingdom.

As one of the 35 armor sets in TotK, the Zonaite Armor is among the most valuable armor collections you can find. It looks as slick as a teenager with hair gel and, when fully upgraded, the Zonaite armor boasts incredible special effects and defence points. But you’re going to have to work hard to find all the pieces.

After all, the Zonaite shin guards, waistguard and helm are all hidden on sky islands; making them difficult to find!

But fear not fellow Hyrulians. With some clever use of Zonai machinery, you can collect the Zonaite set relatively early in the game and we’re detailing everything you need to know right here. In this guide, we’ll cover how to get the Zonaite Armor in Tears of the Kingdom, how to upgrade the set and what you will need to pack into your luggage to complete the journey.

Get ready to soar the skies of Hyrule as we go Zonaite armor hunting! 👇

Zonaite Armor Set Locations

How To Get The Zonaite Armor in TotK?

To complete the full Zonaite armor set, you will need to find the Zonaite Helm, Zonaite Shin Guards and Zonaite Waistguard. Once you have all 3 of these pieces, Link will benefit from the Zonaite Set bonus and you can then go about your day upgrading your Zonaite Armor at the Great Fairy Fountains.

To get the full Zonaite Armor set, follow our guides here:

Zonaite Shin Guards Location

Zonaite Shin Guards Location

Zonaite Shin Guards Location Coordinates: 4450, 2025, 1462.

Grabbing the Zonaite shin guards is the easiest of the three pieces – You should start here first. Once you have the greaves equipped, the added battery capacity will make unlocking the Zonaite Waistguard and Helm much simpler than without them.

The Zonaite Shin Guards can be found near The Akkala Sky Mine which is north east of the sky archipelago above Tarrey Town. They are located within a chest that is directly above the spiral beach called “Rist Peninsula”.

To find the Zonaite Shin Guards in TotK, follow these steps:

  1. Step 1: Visit the Ulri Mountain Skyview Tower
  2. Step 2: Shoot down the Aerocuda and fix the tower.
  3. Step 3: Shoot up from the skyview tower.
  4. Step 4: Once you are airborne, glide over to the Sokkala Sky Acrhipegalo.
  5. Step 5: Past the Flux Construct boss you will see an area with a flying machine.
  6. Step 6: Attach the nearby batteries to the machine and prepare to use it.
  7. Step 7: Fly over to the Sky Mine to the northeast.
  8. Step 8: Land on the Sky Mine and activate the Shrine.
  9. Step 9: Use the ringed Zonai device to activate the island machinery.
  10. Step 10: Use the shifting blocks to shoot Link towards the giant orb
  11. Step 11: Once airborne, aim to land into the sphere from above.
  12. Step 12: On the sphere, there will be a chest with the Zonaite Shinguards inside.
  13. Step 13: Open the chest and you now have the Zonaite Shinguards.

If by mistake you overshoot and miss the sphere, you can fast-travel back to the shrine at the Sky Mine and try again. After a few attempts, you will have this landing locked down and will be happily sporting your first piece of Zonaite Armor.

Zonaite Waist Guard Location

Zonaite Waistguard Location

Zonaite Waistguard Location Coordinates: 2374, -1774, 1489

Once you have the Zonaite Shinguards, Zonai Forge Island is the next place you will want to visit to collect the Zonaite Waistguard. But, before you set sail for sky island, you will need to stock up on two things. The first is a packed lunch of Enduring Fried Greens, or any stamina-replenishers. Then, the second item you should have handy is some rockets, which are optional but will aid your ascent.

Once you have those two items stocked, it’s time to hunt down that waist guard.

To find the Zonaite Waistguard in TotK, follow these steps:

  1. Step 1: Visit Sahasra Slope Skyview Tower
  2. Step 2: Ascend into the tower from the cliffs below.
  3. Step 3: Unlock the doors and launch from the skyview tower.
  4. Step 4: Fly south to the West Necluda Sky Archipelago.
  5. Step 5: Once there, activate the Ukoojisi Shrine.
  6. Step 6: Buy a hydrant from the Zonai Device dispenser near Ukoojisi Shrine.
  7. Step 7: Find the scrapyard of rockets and platforms north of the Ukoojisi Shrine.
  8. Step 8: Build an aircraft at the scrapyard
  9. Step 9: Pile the rockets on the platform and attach fans if you have them.
  10. Step 10: Start the machine and when one rocket expires, attach another.
  11. Step 11: Once you are high enough, glide over to the Zonai Forge Island.
  12. Step 12: Interact with the ringed Zonai device to start the tower fans.
  13. Step 13: Once activated, fly to the upper, central tower.
  14. Step 14: Press [R] to dive and activate the Yansamin Shrine when you land.
  15. Step 15: Next, walk around the back of the Shrine by using your hydrant.
  16. Step 16: Use ascend by the carved wall and you will find a secret room.
  17. Step 17: In this room, there will be a chest.
  18. Step 18: Open the chest to find the Zonaite Waistguard inside.

By using the hydrant (or Splash Fruit) once you are at the Yansamin Shrine, you will create stone platforms on the lava which will stop Link from losing hearts. In addition, the rockets that you use on the platform at Ukoojisi Shrine are bound to expire be sure to stock up on some and keep replacing them once they run out of juice.

The Zonaite Waistguard is a little tough to collect, but you will get there!

Zonaite Armor Helm Location

Zonaite Helm Location

Zonaite Helm Location Coordinates: -3593, 0942, 1731

The Zonaite Helm is found on Lightcast Island in the Tabantha Sky, south of Rito Village. And, if you thought that finding the Zonaite waist and shin guards was convoluted, you have got a further challenge in front of you for this one!

Yes, it’s time to reach one of the highest vertical points in the game. But don’t worry, and we’ve got the steps for you to get there without falling to a certain death. 

To find the Zonaite Helm in TotK, follow these steps:

  1. Step 1: Launch from the Gerudo Highlands Skyview Tower
  2. Step 2: Glide Northwest toward the North Gerudo Archipelago.
  3. Step 3: Defeat the rogue construct on the floating platform at the far end.
  4. Step 4: Once defeated, attach the rockets to fly higher.
  5. Step 5: When the rockets burn out, float across to the larger island to the north.
  6. Step 6: Here, another construct and platform await. So, repeat the previous steps.
  7. Step 7: Glide over to the giant orb and regain your stamina.
  8. Step 8: Once energised, glide north to the Tabantha Archipelago.
  9. Step 9: Turn the mechanism so the launcher points north.
  10. Step 10: Use the mechanism to then glide to Lightcast Island
  11. Step 11: Once there, activate the ringed Zonai device at the north of the island.
  12. Step 12: Enter the central cave and destroy the construct.
  13. Step 13: Once destroyed, light up the orange button to complete the puzzle.
  14. Step 14: Use Ascend beside the orange button.
  15. Step 15: You will then pop out next to the treasure chest.
  16. Step 16: Open the chest to find the Zonaite Helm. Congratulations!

Important Note: Before you attempt to find the Zonaite helm, there is a long laundry list of luggage you could load into your pack and I would recommend that you do. But, the most important of them all will be stamina restoratives.

By learning how to cook Enduring Elixirs and you’ll get there in no time.

Don’t worry, you won’t be the first to get frustrated at this one!

How To Get Zonaite Armour in Tears of the Kingdom

Zonai Armor Set Bonus & Upgrades

Now that you have all 3 pieces of the Zonaite Armor, the complete armor set bonus will enable Link to recharge the Zonai battery faster. This will come in handy quite often throughout the game.

However, to use the set bonus, you need to first upgrade all three pieces to two stars or higher. Once you unlock the Great Fairies, they will help you to upgrade each Zonaite Armour piece and you can quickly max out the Zonaite Armor’s potential.

The total amount of money and items required to upgrade the entire Zonaite Armor set to it’s maximum level in Tears of the Kingdom is the following:

  • 2,280x – Rupees.
  • 15x – Soldier Construct I Horns
  • 15x – Soldier Construct II Horns
  • 15x – Soldier Construct III Horns
  • 15x – Captain Construct I Horns
  • 15x – Captain Construct II Horns
  • 15x – Captain Construct III Horns;
  • 15x – Zonaite Ores
  • 45x – Large Zonaite Ores

However, for those of you who cannot afford the whole set and want to just upgrade a few of them, here is a breakdown of the costs to upgrade each piece:

Zonaite Shin Guards Upgrade Requirements

Zonaite Shin Guards Upgrade Costs:

To upgrade the Zonaite Shin Guards at the Great Fairies, you will need:

Upgrade Level Cost Materials
Level 1 10 Rupees 5x Soldier Construct Horn
Level 2 50 Rupees 5x Soldier Construct II Horn
5x Captain Construct I Horn
5x Zonaite
Level 3 200 Rupees 5x Soldier Construct III Horn
5x Captain Construct II Horn
5x Large Zonaite
Level 4 500 Rupees 5x Soldier Construct IV Horn
5x Captain Construct III Horn
10x Large Zonaite

Zonaite Waistguard Upgrade Costs:

To upgrade the Zonaite Waistguard at the Great Fairies, you will need:

Upgrade Level Cost Materials
Level 1 10 Rupees 5x Soldier Construct Horn
Level 2 50 Rupees 5x Soldier Construct II Horn
5x Captain Construct I Horn
5x Zonaite
Level 3 200 Rupees 5x Soldier Construct III Horn
5x Captain Construct II Horn
5x Large Zonaite
Level 4 500 Rupees 5x Soldier Construct IV Horn
5x Captain Construct III Horn
10x Large Zonaite

Zonaite Helm Upgrade Costs:

To upgrade the Zonaite Helm at the Great Fairies, you will need:

Upgrade Level Cost Materials
Level 1 10 Rupees 5x Soldier Construct Horn
Level 2 50 Rupees 5x Soldier Construct II Horn
5x Captain Construct I Horn
5x Zonaite Ores
Level 3 200 Rupees 5x Soldier Construct III Horn
5x Captain Construct II Horn
5x Large Zonaite Ores
Level 4 500 Rupees 5x Soldier Construct IV Horn
5x Captain Construct III Horn
10x Large Zonaite Ores

Zonaite Armor TotK

The Final Word

As much as the Zonaite Armor is relatively difficult to find, the benefits that you will receive by persevering are unrivalled. Plus, each of the armour pieces can be dyed at the Hateno Dye Shop and upgraded at the Great Fairy Fountains. So, there are endless possibilities for what your final version of Zonaite Armor will look like.

If you are short on time and cannot fathom the thought of hunting down all of the armor sets in Tears of the Kingdom, the Zonaite Armor is a must-own. Through not only it’s looks, but also it’s special effects and defence bonus, you will be glad that you spent the time finding this one!

What’s your take on the Zonaite Armor set? Hit the comments below!

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